Cozy White Bean, Fennel Sausage, Leek & Rapini Soup
A wonderful hearty, nourishing and flavorful soup that's perfect throughout the colder months. The leftovers are maybe our favorite part, as the fl...
A wonderful hearty, nourishing and flavorful soup that's perfect throughout the colder months. The leftovers are maybe our favorite part, as the fl...
The citrus salsa is the star of this flexible, easy weeknight recipe that comes together in about 30 minutes.
This fresh and healthy farro salad is full of bold Greek flavors, with a zingy herbaceous dressing!
A delicious and simple go-to recipe for stellar, crispy wings, great with Jalapeno Lime, Harissa or Chipotle Honey!
This simple healthy dish has deep umami flavor and is satisfying served with rice, quinoa or polenta and a side of greens. Great as a main instead of meat...
An elevated twist on a simple egg dish. Pair with a light salad for an elegant and simple dinner.
We affectionately call this dish "squash-ta", and it's in regular rotation during the summer. It calls on classic summer pesto flavors, and delivers a healthy dose of veggies, cooked down into a jammy sauce.
An exceptionally delicious way to get more greens into your life. Great as a vegetarian main, we love taking this to gatherings - it's just as tasty at room temp too!
A savory take on sweet winter squash - there are many ways to adapt this recipe to your favorite flavors or what you have on hand!
This delightfully simply summer faire calls for the best peak season ripe tomatoes - The ripeness and flavor really matters here since the raw tomatoes and good olive oil are the stars of the sauce!
A quick-cook method for chicken-under-a-brick for exceptionally crispy skin! Use any number of our spice blends to make this chicken suit whatever meal you're making.
A fresh and summery satisfying salad. Great for a picnic or big spread, or simply pair with corn on the cob, a fresh green or Caprese salad for a quick and easy weeknight dinner.